Generating Music With SageMath And Sonic Pi - Examples

We will explore some examples to make music using the libraries included in Sage and python data structures

1 Bach's Prelude in C

Here's a translation of the Mathematica code at mathematica.SE, which is quite nice. (Listen to Bach)

bwv846 = [["C", "E", "G", "C5", "E5"],
          ["C", "D", "A", "D5", "F5"],
          ["B3", "D", "G", "D5", "F5"],
          ["C", "E", "G", "C5", "E5"],
          ["C", "E", "A", "E5", "A5"],
          ["C", "D", "Fs", "A", "D5"],
          ["B3", "D", "G", "D5", "G5"],
          ["B3", "C", "E", "G", "C5"],
          ["A3", "C", "E", "G", "C5"],
          ["D3", "A3", "D", "Fs", "C5"],
          ["G3", "B3", "D", "G", "B"],
          ["G3", "Bb3", "E", "G", "Cs5"],
          ["F3", "A3", "D", "A", "D5"],
          ["F3", "Ab3", "D", "F", "B"],
          ["E3", "G3", "C", "G", "C5"],
          ["E3", "F3", "A3", "C", "F"],
          ["D3", "F3", "A3", "C", "F"],
          ["G1", "D3", "G3", "B3", "F"],
          ["C3", "E3", "G3", "C", "E"],
          ["C3", "G3", "Bb3", "C", "E"],
          ["F2", "F3", "A3", "C", "E"],
          ["Fs2", "C3", "A3", "C", "Eb"],
          ["Ab2", "F3", "B3", "C", "D"],
          ["G2", "F3", "G3", "B3", "D"],
          ["G2", "E3", "G3", "C", "E"],
          ["G2", "D3", "G3", "C", "F"],
          ["G2", "D3", "G3", "B3", "F"],
          ["G2", "Eb3", "A3", "C", "Fs"],
          ["G2", "E3", "G3", "C", "G"],
          ["G2", "D3", "G3", "C", "F"],
          ["G2", "D3", "G3", "B3", "F"],
          ["C1", "C2", "G3", "Bb3", "E"]]

finale = ["C1", "C2", "F3", "A3", "C", "F", "C", "A3", "C", "A3",
   "F3", "A3", "F3", "D3", "C1", "B1", "G", "B", "D5", "F5", "D5",
   "B", "D5", "G", "B", "D", "F", "E", "D", ["C1", "C2", "E", "G", "C5"]]

for i in bwv846:
    note = (i + i[-3:])*2
    for j in note:
        send_message("/trigger/play", j)

for j in finale:
    send_message("/trigger/play", j)

2 Sound of Cellular Automaton

Using the idea of mathematica code using Cellular Automata, we modify the Cellular Automata's interactive example (Listen to CA: 61 iterations, Rule 90)

from numpy import zeros
from random import randint

def cellular(rule, N, initial='Single-cell'):
    '''Yields a matrix showing the evolution of a Wolfram's cellular automaton

    rule:     determines how a cell's value is updated, depending on its neighbors
    N:        number of iterations
    initial:  starting condition; can be either single-cell or a random binary row
    M=zeros( (N,2*N+2), dtype=int)
    if initial=='Single-cell':
        M[0]=[randint(0,1) for a in range(0,2*N+2)]

    for j in range(1,N):
        for k in range(0,2*N):
            l = 4*M[j-1,k-1] + 2*M[j-1,k] + M[j-1,k+1]
            M[j,k]=rule[ l ]
    return M[:,:-1]

def num2rule(number):
    if not 0 <= number <= 255:
        raise Exception('Invalid rule number')
    binary_digits = number.digits(base=2)
    return binary_digits + [0]*(8-len(binary_digits))

def _( initial=selector(['Single-cell', 'Random'], label='Starting condition'), N=input_box(label='Number of iterations',default=31),
       rule_number=input_box(label='Rule number',default=90),
       size = slider(1, 11, label= 'Size', step_size=1, default=6 ), auto_update=False):
    rule = num2rule(rule_number)
    M = cellular(rule, N, initial)
    part = M.transpose()*range(1,N+1)*3
    plot_M = matrix_plot(M, cmap='binary')[size,size])
    for j in part:
        k = [int(3*(N+1)-i) for i in j if i != 0]
        if len(k) != 0:
            send_message("/trigger/play", k)

3 HMM Emitting Notes

We may even use the notes of pleasant compositions to train Markov Models, which can later keep producing notes probabilistically. E.g. a 3 symbol model looks like: (Listen to HMM)

m = hmm.DiscreteHiddenMarkovModel([[1/3,1/2,1/6],[1/7,3/7,3/7],[1/4,1/4,1/2]], [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], [0,1,0], ["F", "Fs", "G"])
for j in m.sample(100):
    send_message("/trigger/play", j)