Probability of a sum being less than 1 (convolution of pdf)

If we choose \(n\) numbers randomly and uniformly from \([0,1]\) and raise each number to \(k\) \((k>0)\), what is the probability that the sum will be less than 1?

i.e. what is

\begin{equation*} \displaystyle \mathbb{P}\left(\Big(\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^k\Big)<1\right)\;\;\; , x_i\in \mathcal{U}\left(0,1\right) \end{equation*}

The answer can be derived by using convolution of probability density functions.

For two pdfs, \(f(x)\) and \(g(y)\), the convolution \(f*g\) is defined as

\begin{align*} \displaystyle \left(f*g\right)(z) &= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \, f(z-y)g(y)\, dy\\ &= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \, g(z-x) f(x)\, dx \end{align*}

Let \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) be two random variables which represent \(x_1^{1/k}\) and \(x_2^{1/k}\).

The pdf is then given by:

\begin{equation*} \displaystyle f_{X_1}(x)=f_{X_2}(x)=\frac{d}{dx} (x^k)=k\, x^{k-1} \end{equation*}

and the pdf of the sum of two numbers \(f_2(z)\) (in the region \(0\le z \le 1\)) is:

\begin{align*} \displaystyle f_2(z)&= \int_{0}^{z} \, f_{X_1}(z-y) f_{X_2}(y) \, dy\\ &= k^2\cdot z^{2\, k - 1}\cdot \mathrm{B}(k, k) \end{align*}

After this, we can iteratively continue for more terms:

\begin{align*} \displaystyle f_3(z)&= \int_{0}^{z} \, f_{X_1}(z-y) f_{2}(y) \, dy\\ &= k^3\cdot z^{3\, k - 1}\cdot \mathrm{B}(2\, k, k)\cdot \mathrm{B}(k, k) \end{align*}

Continuing in that manner, for sum of \(n\) terms, we will end up with:

\begin{equation*} \displaystyle f_n(z) = k^n\cdot z^{n\, k - 1}\cdot \prod_{i=1}^{n-1} \mathrm{B}(i\, k, k) \end{equation*}

Since we require the probability of the sum to be less than one, we will evaluate that integral and write the beta functions in terms of gamma functions and simplify:

\begin{align*} \displaystyle \mathbb{P}\left(\Big(\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^k\Big)<1\right) &= \int_{0}^{1} \, f_n(z)\, dz\\ &= \frac{k^{n-1}}{n}\prod_{i=1}^{n-1} \mathrm{B}(i\, k, k) \\ &= \frac{k^{n-1}\big(\Gamma(k)\big)^n}{n\, \Gamma(n\, k)} \\ &= \frac{\big(\Gamma(k+1)\big)^n}{\Gamma(n\, k+1)} \end{align*}

That's some formula!

In Sage, it can be written as

var('k y z')
f1(z) = diff(z^k,z)
f2(z) = f(z)
for i in range(10):
    f2(z) = integrate(f2(z-y)*f1(y),y,0,z)
    print i+2, f2(z)

f(n,k) = gamma(k+1)^n/gamma(n*k+1)

To verify our answer, we can perform a simulation:

sim=: 3 : '1>+/(?6#0)^6'
(+/%#)(sim"0)100000#0 NB. = 0.63926

If we want to perform a simulation in a more verbose language, R is a good candidate.

The code in R looks like:

n = 6
k = 6
b = array(runif(n*1e6,0,1),dim=c(n,1e6))

and if we want to perform using two dimensional arrays in J also, the equivalent code can be written as:

'n k'=: 6 6
a=:(n, 1e6) $ ?(n*1e6)#0
(+/%#)1>+/a^k NB. = 0.637572

The corresponding probability derived analytically is:

\begin{align*} \displaystyle \mathbb{P}\left(\Big(\sum_{i=1}^6 x_i^6\Big)<1\right) = f\left(6,\frac{1}{6}\right) \\ = \Gamma\left(\frac{7}{6}\right)^6 \approx 0.637528558759471 \end{align*}


1. Dartmouth Probability Book

2. An arxiv article

3. Volume of a n-ball